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Organisational Culture Check List
Richard Seel
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The following check list covers some of the areas which an anthropologist might
consider when entering an organisation. As a check list it is necessarily brief at best
and enigmatic or downright incomprehensible at worst. I have included some notes which
might help to make a little more sense of one of the sections, on dress
code. As time goes by I may add more notes...
 | Who is a member of organisation
 | Agency staff?
 | Casual?
 | Customers?
 | Departed staff?
 | Family members of staff?
 | Permanent staff only?
 | Redundant staff?
 | Retired staff?
 | Temps?
 | Perceived as continuous?
 | Sense of stability?
Communications (see also Words)
 | Attitude towards
 | Frequency
 | How are strangers greeted
 | Style
 | Use of language
 | Preferred modes?
 | Most common modes?
 | Written or verbal?
 | E-mail or memo?
 | Telephone or face to face?
 | Acceptable ways of offering opinion
 | Impassioned arguing?
 | Rational debate?
 | Shouting acceptable?
 | Is non-normative behaviour admired or deprecated?
 | Are fools and tricksters
 | Formally or informally?
 | Formal or informal?
 | How rigidly enforced
 | Are there dress down days? How are they
 | How do people dress for off-site meetings?
 | What differentiatorshow many classes? E.g.:
 | Uniforms for security
 | Casual for operations
 | Two piece suits for middle managers
 | Three piece suits for senior managers
Fixtures & fittings
 | Office furnitureexpensive or cheap?
 | Differences due to status or function?
 | Do managers have chairs with arms and high backs?
 | Are some areas carpeted? Why?
 | Decorbright? Dowdy?
 | Level of maintenance and decorative order
 | Number and structure of canteens
 | Use of food in meetings
 | Working lunches
 | Out of office activities
 | Attitudes to alcoholic drinks
 | Wine for managers, beer for workers?
 | Wine for managers, nothing for workers?
 | No alcohol on premises?
Groups and networks
 | Formal or informal
 | Rumour & gossip rate
 | Sanctioned or illegitimate
 | Strength of grapevine
 | Attitudes to history
 | Attitudes to past folk heroes & villains
 | Lots of stories? Told in public or told in
 | Organisation myths
Home and work
 | Attitudes towards child care
 | Role of spouse
 | What is the policy towards domestic crises?
 | How are domestic crises actually dealt with?
 | More flexible than policy?
 | How are new members (employees) assimilated
 | How often
 | Setting
 | Shape of table
 | Who attends
 | Who sits where
 | Who speaks
 | Openness?
 | Salary levels known? Much talk about salary?
 | Business figures widely known?
 | Degree of thrift
 | All letters first class?
 | Expenses
 | Paid easily?
 | Much querying?
Rewards and recognition
 | Basis of reward
 | Individual-based
 | Team-based
 | Organisation-based
 | Indicators of statusgrade or salary?
 | Private bonus system
 | Public reward?
 | Titles
 | Salesman of month, etc.
Space, use of
 | Allocation of office space
 | Decor an indicator of social structure?
 | Location an indicator of social structure?
 | e.g. top management at top of building?
 | Size an indicator of social structure?
 | Indicators in open plan:
 | Higher partitions for managers?
 | Some offices? For whom?
 | Labellinghow easy is it for stranger to find a
specific person
 | Analogue of ease of entry to organisation?
 | Mapping of function or process to space?
 | Open plan vs. individual offices
 | Public vs. private space:
 | Use of toilets
 | Executive washroom?
 | Shared toilets?
 | State of buildingclean, in need of decoration,
 | Attitudes to time
 | Busy, busy or relaxed?
 | Attitude to past and future
 | Emphasis on planning?
 | Punctualityvirtue or vice?
 | Jargon
 | Indicator of boundary strength
 | Subgroups using jargon?
 | Modes of address
 | Same to all staff?
 | First name to all?
 | Mr upward, first name downward?
 | Sir?
 | Terms of address; terms of reference
 | Treatment of women different from men?
 | Different to clients?
 | Sexual innuendo?
 | Harassment?
 | Pinups?
 | Sexual joking?
 | Swear words?
© Richard Seel